Monday, July 2, 2012

Running, Hiding and Escaping

Do you ever compile your favorite songs into a playlist and then realize that they all have something in common? I did that recently. And all of my favorite songs share a theme of "going, running, moving". I like my music to drive me to pick me up and dust me off and tell me to get my buns in gear. Being a mom can be hard. Babies and young kids are so needy, they literally need you to do everything for them, then teach them how to do it for themselves! Its so much work!! 

Sometimes I just was to escape the crying and the spit up and the questions... the 4 year old's many questions...
"Mom", she asks while watching a cartoon of animals playing the backyard together "are those handcuffs?" Me, "No those are restraints" Her, "Why does the good guy steal?" Me,  "To stop the bad guy. Its complicated." 

I can turn to my favorite songs "Send me on my way", "Ready to run", "Wide open spaces", these songs (among many others) break down the walls around me, help me breath, then before I know it my children and I are dancing around the house, dreaming big dreams and laughing.
Yes, I want to run, sometimes I wish I could get to a place where I can be free, when I realize I already am. I'm free to love and to live and to not be perfect, but just have fun. 

She will laugh at the days to come.    Proverbs 31